Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm outta here

Tomorrow is my last day in this house.  After a year of trying, we have finally sold our home and bought another.  We have lived here for over 10 years, so it's a little bittersweet.

This house has seen our children grow, finish school and become productive adults.  It's been filled with the laughter of friendship and the tears of loss.  It's welcomed countless guests, both new friends and old,  and helped us make everyone feel like family.

People have asked if I'll be sad to leave this house.  Up til now, the answer has been "no".  I am ready to go.  But that may all change tomorrow, when  the trucks are loaded and I run the vacuum through all the empty rooms.  As much as I dislike change, I am really looking forward to this move.  For some time I have felt disconnected from this area, drawn to a new place and people.  I am designed to be connected and relational; that has been stymied for a while.

I have finally been released from northern Lancaster county.  I leave with a clean conscience, a healed heart and spirit. To have moved earlier would have just been running, I think.  Now, it's just a transition.  That's a good thing.

So, goodbye dear house and thanks for the memories.

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