Friday, August 30, 2013

Just stop it!

I hate to see my friends and loved ones hurting.  In emotional pain.  Being mistreated by those they know and love.  Maybe I'm naive, but I think love should not involve deliberate pain. I know we all do and say things that hurt our loved ones, mostly unintentionally.  It's the intentional ones that irk me.

I've heard it said "you always hurt the ones you love".  Why is that acceptable?  It sounds like an excuse to me.  It sounds to me like a cop out to not have to expect, demand, more from people.  To believe the lie we tell ourselves that maybe we really aren't worth being treated better.  How sad?  No, not sad.  It's maddening!

Ladies, take heart.  Be brave.  Be strong.  Focus on the good in you.  Realize how great you are.  Make a list of all the positive things you are and have accomplished.  Nothing is too small.  Surround yourself with people who lift you up, but are also honest with you.  Sometimes, a little smack to bring you out of a funk and back to reality is what you need.

Guy, grow a pair!  Stop making yourself feel "like a man" at the expense of the women who love you.  Make the hard choices.  Put your family first.  Put a filter on your mouth.  Just because something pops into your head does not mean it needs to come out of your mouth. Your words carry a heavy weight, building up and tearing down in mere minutes, leaving emotional scars, creating rifts in relationships, devastating lives.

Now before you go off on me, maybe you need to look inside and see what is really causing this to bother you.  Have I hit a nerve?

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