Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dun Dun Dun, Another One Bites the Dust

Wow!  Another year has passed.  This one seemed particularly long, while passing quite quickly.

One of last year's resolutions was to write more, and I got off to a great start.  As do most resolutions.  As you can probably guess from the name of my blog, this one has mainly been a place for me to vent; often with humor, sometimes with pain, and mostly dripping in sarcasm.  But I also made a resolution to be a kinder, gentler version of myself.  This presented a conflict of interest.  It became increasingly harder to do both of these well and, well, the writing suffered.  Add to that that I became involved with a GREAT group of young people this year.  People who look up to me.  People who make me want to be positive and really think about what I say and write.  (Thanks, guys!)

So, I am carrying over those two resolutions (choices, improvements) from last year.  I will to write more this year, whether it be here or in my food blog.  While I am hoping to control my venomous tendencies, I will continue to write from my heart, raw emotions and all.  I believe it's important to keep being honest and true to myself, while challenging myself to do it better.

I'm choosing to continue to grow. There's still many layers to this onion, but I'm committed to peeling them back and chopping it up!  If I know one thing, it's that you can't shut it back up once you've started.  It just doesn't work!  Pain is, well, a pain, but it does have it's positive aspects.  I've connected with a great group of ladies this year who are going through this same process.  While our stories may not be the same, our journey really is.

I'm choosing to continue to temper what I say.  I'm not saying everything is going to be filtered.  Come on, you know me.  That's so not going to happen.  But I am going to remember those looking to me for leadership and guidance.  I don't want to let them down or turn them into me.  (The world isn't ready for that!)

Last year I also resolved to let people know how I feel about them, positively.  I pretty much rocked this one!  While this one was/is really hard for me, it got/gets easier the more I do it.  I was often surprised at how people reacted to this.  I am reminded everyday of how important this is.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed.  I never know when it might be too late.

So, Happy 2014!

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