Monday, December 31, 2012

I'm not (an) invalid

I have fibromyalgia and a genetic form of degenerative joint disease. 

I try to live life fully, in spite of how I feel physically. I am a strong, independent person and these diagnoses have been hard to accept.  Every day is frought with pain.  Some days, just moving causes me to want to withdraw, cocoon, wither.  To feel my independence slip away is maddening!

What's worse?  Being treated like I'm incapable, like I need coddled and having it seem that my illness is of greater discomfort to my loved ones than it is to me.  I didn't choose this.  You have no idea what it takes for me to even get out of bed some days.  And, still, I cook, clean, take care of my household and try to remain a part of society.

I'm so tired!  Tired of hurting.  Tired of no answers or solutions.  Tired of being punished for being sick.  Tired of being patronized or treated like a child.  Tired of feeling like an inconvenience.  Tired of trying to figure out what is happening and wondering why my body is in anarchy.

Stop judging me.  Open your eyes.  Try to grasp it from my point of view.  I'm lost.  My body is crumbling, but I AM STILL IN HERE.  I have abilities, just not the same as before.  I haven't given up, but I am fighting a battle I cannot win.

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