Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A new year

Well, today begins 2013 and many people are making resolutions.
I've never been into that.  Frankly, I lack follow-through.  It just seems to take so much work.
I would like to see change, but get overwhelmed with the whole process.  So, I am going to start out simply.

I'm going to write more.  Those of you following me should enjoy that!  I'm not commiting to "what" I'll write, just that I will.  I find it cathartic.  It helps me to process without the messiness of actually involving another person, on a personal level.  Maybe, someday, that will make the list.

I'm going to juice more.  It makes me feel good.  It takes time but I'm worth it.

I'm going to love more deeply.  Or, maybe it's better to say I will let those I love KNOW how much they are loved.  It's not good enough to just asume they know, or to take these relationships for granted.  I don't want to grow complacent and stop making my loved ones feel cherished, important and loved.

And, finally, I'm going to let go.  I have worked long and hard to become who I am, where I am.  While scars show where I have been, they do not determine where I am headed.  So, I am going to see them as links in a chain or stepping stones in a path: merely a means of getting from one place to another.  Not a destination.  I am not meant to stay where I am, to stagnate.  Moving on is not fun and letting go of what is known, even if it's negative, scares the crap out of me but is necessary for a life worth living.

Off I go....

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