Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Selling a house

Selling a house is like slowly going insane.  I keep cleaning, people keep looking.  No one's buying.

Back in the spring we decided to put our house on the market.  I have some health issues a and we decided it was a good time to look into single-floor living.  We set about de-cluttering, painting, cleaning, endless cleaning.  Those who know me know how much I loathe cleaning.  And, frankly, I just don't have the energy for it most days.

The house hit the market in July.  We've had lots of lookers, but no takers.  Each day that passes makes me less optimistic.  We've had multiple price reductions and a lot of "comments" from prospective buyers. Some about things we can't really change; some I totally agree with.  That doesn't make things any better.

I was driving home from Lancaster the other afternoon when I was totally overcome with how badly I want to live in Lancaster city, how much I want to be out of this house and through this whole process.  I am ready to being the next phase, whatever that means.  I want to live where I volunteer, to be a part of the community I serve. 

Now don't get me wrong.  I'm not expecting the next phase to be nirvana.  This is all strange to me.  I'm not usually the restless type.  I'm not even sure this is even restlessness.  It's more of just a knowing this chapter is closing and wanting to see what's in the next.

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