Thursday, January 24, 2013

Where are the words?

Have you ever felt at a complete loss for the words to adequately describe how you feel?  Verbally, this happens to me often; it's pretty unusual when I write.  Yet, that is where I find myself.

Lately it's been easy to focus on trying to sell this house or my ever-increasing health problems.  If I allowed myself to be, I could easily be totally engrossed with it and quickly lose sight of what is important around me.  That's really not where I want to be.

I've known my husband for more than 25 years.  (Where does the time go?)  I met him at a time when I was very wounded, damaged and needing a friend.  Though he wasn't what I expected, he was exactly what I needed and refused to be driven away.

We've weathered more than our share of storms.  Some were due to our own stupidity, some we suffered at the hand of others, but we weren't crushed and couldn't be driven apart.  We never fell out of love at the same time.  That's no small miracle!

After so many years it's easy to just fall into a routine, to take eachother for granted.  One of my goals for this year is to let those I love know I love them.  This is where the loss of words comes into play.  My heart is full.  Bursting!  But I am clueless to express it.

My husband is a man of God, a loving father and gentle husband.  He cares for me with a tenderness that overwhelms me, that I don't deserve.  I love him with every fiber of being.  That sounds so hollow, but nothing rings more true. 

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