Sunday, January 27, 2013

Buck up, camper

Sometimes, when we are at the lowest we think we can possibly be; when we don't even have anything to say, so there's just silence, it's hard to even look up.  It's so easy to focus on the negative, the things going wrong, the things not happening that should be happening and to wallow in self-pity and doubt.  As much as I like to think of myself as an even-tempered person, I fall into this trap, too.  And when I do, I fall h-a-r-d.

I think this is most often true when I have decided to make changes in my character, relationships, life in general.  When no forward progress is seen, doubt creeps in.  When I don't feel well (which is fairly often these days), I become even more introverted.  It's so much easier to just detach from eveyone and everything; to cocoon myself in and wallow.

I can usually look back on my own and count the positives in my life, which gives me a better perspective on current situations.  Today, I had a little help.  Thanks to some very special ladies who made my day and helped open my eyes.  I'm not alone.  Even when I try to make it that way.

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