Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bubble girl

Sometimes, I wish I lived in a bubble.  No people.  No noise.  No stress.
I'm just tired of people.  I'm tired of answering questions.  I'm tired of feeling bad and being in pain.  But most of all, I'm tired of people's words not matching their actions.  Empty words. They really don't do anybody any good. It makes the speaker look bad, and makes the hearer feel bad.  How does that help anybody?

If you can't handle what I'm going through, just say so.  If you don't understand what is happening, it's okay.  Neither do I.   But don't talk down to me.  Don't feign pity then call me a burden.  This affects me more than you.  What?  Is that a surprise? 

Normally, I say there's no place in my history I would want to go back to, but I'd gladly turn back the clock four years.  Back to before all this started and I felt good, contributed and was useful. I would put myself in that bubble and none of this would happen.  Unfortunately, that's not an option.  Thanks for popping my bubble.

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