Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rainbow sky

As I driving, I looked up at the sun.  There was a thin ring of clouds surrounding it.  They were just thin enough to allow sunlight to pass through, making it look like mother of pearl.  It was like rainbow light.  That's the second time this week I've seen something like that.  Immediately, I thought about the promise God gave Noah in the rainbow.  But I haven't been able to figure out what promise I'm being promted to remember.

Promises are strange things.  By definition, it portends something yet to come and should be something you can count on happening.  I've found that can change depending on the person, both the promiser and the promisee.  But the point is, I don't put much faith in human promises.  People "forget" or "weren't serious".  I find people use the word promise as a type of manipulation.  It gets the person to do what you want, and you don't really have to follow through.

But the promises I've had from God are true.  There is no need for me to question if he will forget or just change his mind.  He remembers long after I forget.  In the midst of turmoil, pain or selling a freaking house, he whispers "I promised".  That doesn't change the external things going on in my life, but it makes a huge internal shift.

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