Thursday, March 7, 2013

Paging Dr. House

Sometimes even Dr. House is wrong.  Sometimes it is lupus.
The neurologist called today with my test results.  He was very matter-of-fact, which is fine because that's how I handle things, too.  He'll be consulting with my rheumatologist and we'll proceed from there.

I'm not sure what I feel about it all right now.  I am in full-blown compartmentalization mode right now.  On one hand, I am glad to finally have an answer.  On the other hand, it's scary what the future might hold.  But isn't that always the case?  No one can be certain of their future.  Ever.

Will I drastically alter the way I live?  Probably not.  Aspects of my life will be changed, I'm sure.  But I don't plan to let a diagnosis dictate my life or who I am, but this does go to strengthen the resolve of my anti- resolutions of juicing more and being more proactive in my loving and cherishing of the ones I hold most dear.  It makes me glad I decided that prior to today.

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