Monday, March 18, 2013

Don't be afraid of the salt truck

There is nothing that irks me more than people who don't know how to drive!
I was heading home from Lancaster this afternoon, not long after the sleet began.  The roads weren't really slick yet, but the salt trucks were already out, spreading salt.

I grew up in western PA, so I'm familiar with driving in the snow.  So as I'm driving along, some jack wagon decides he's just going to floor it, then cut in front of me.  Oh wait!  He didn't really want that lane.  So he  floors in and cuts someone off in the other lane.  By this time traffic is slowing down, but no one can see why.  In this guy's hurry he nearly slammed into the slow moving vehicles in front of him.  When he finally clears all those cars, he speeds up again only to see a salt truck in the middle lane. Moving slowly. Spreading salt.

Apparently he had some fear about passing a salt truck.  So he slammed on his brakes and swerved into the lane behind the salt truck, nearly colliding with two cars.  Jack wagon.  He then proceeded to do a three lane sweep to get off at the same exit as me, cutting me right off.  We headed up the highway and, guess what?  Another salt truck!  And what did he do?  Repeat the aforementioned behavior.  My blood began to simmer.

Now I've heard it said that when you experience road rage it's not about the other driver, but about you.  I don't think agree.  Not all the time, anyway.  Sometimes, I do get mad because I'm in a hurry and the person is driving 15 mph under the speed limit.  That's my bad.  But this guy?  He was putting all kinds of people in danger, and being stupid. 

Maybe I should start a winter weather driving school.  It will have classes on how not to drive like a jack wagon, and the salt truck is your friend.  Anyone want to sign up?

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