Monday, July 25, 2011

My husband and I went to Barnes and Noble last night for cold drinks and to plan a trip to Arizona. As I sipped my iced green tea, a foursome at the table behind us began a somewhat loud conversation.
At first it sounded like a Bible study. That's cool, I thought. But as their conversation raged on, it became obvious that personal growth was not their intent. Instead they were griping about "the wrong type of people" being sat next to the right type in Sunday services, whether any of them would actually attend a midweek service where "a few colorful characters" seemed to take over the conversation, and if a person should "confront a superior" at church about a slight they received.
The harder I tried to ignore them, the louder they talked. Or at least it seemed that way to me. I was tempted to ask them what church they attended. To tell them wanted to be sure to not attend there. I wanted to ask if they felt they were a true representation of those who attend there. To ask if they thought visitors would feel welcome there. But my husband was with me. I didn't really want to embarass him. Plus, I couldn't make a quick get-away if he was there.

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