Sunday, August 28, 2011

Is it time?

When I was growing up I was terrified of the rapture taking place, with me being left behind.
I grew up in the Assemblies of God, which meant hell and brimstone were regularly preached, seemingly in an attempt to scare all of us into Heaven. So, each night I would get into bed and dutifully recite all my sins, asking for forgivess, praying to not be left behind. Then I'd go to sleep.
If I woke during the night I would listen for my dad snoring. He was on the deacon board. He taught a Sunday school class. He led music for the services. Surely God would not leave him behind. So, if I could hear him, I knew I was safe. The simple reasoning of child.
After I married and had my daughter, this again filled my thoughts. What if the rapture happened? I knew we would be taken, but would we know eachother in Heaven? Would I not get the chance to see her grow up, marry, have children of her own? I remember laying in bed, sobbing, many mornings after my husband left for work. I needed answers. I had to know.
I cried out to God in my despair, and he answered me. Just like the Bible says. Who knew? God promised me He would not return until my children were grown, and that my children would not grow up without their mother (my other nagging fear). That gave such peace to my heart! I felt like I had been heard, and I received an answer.
Well, guess what? My daughter is now 19, and my son is beginning his senior year in high school. My children are grown, and they've done so with their mother. God kept his promise. Does that mean "the end" is near? The Bible says no one knows the day or the time. I knew when it wasn't. But now it seems all the signs are pointing that way. Earthquakes in Pennsylvania. Tsunamis wiping out entire villages. Wars and rumors of war striking terror in men's hearts. I guess it's time to keep my eyes open....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I went to the doctor today.
It seems I have gained 10 pounds this YEAR. That was upsetting. However, more upsetting was the apparent glee the 400-lb nurse felt at telling me. Really? Who was she to judge me?
We as women are a catty bunch. We tear eachother apart based on an unattainable image of "beauty" we have in our heads. And I find no one is immune. The unattractive, homely girls are the obvious choice, but being attractive almost makes you more of a target.
Men seem to find just about all women attractive in some way. Whether that is a positive or not, I don't know. But I do know that very few women find other women attractive. And when we do, we usually don't say anything. We'll search out whatever we can find to criticize.
But, perhaps, more upsetting is how critical we are of ourselves. I often stand in front of the mirror wishing my hair was thicker, my teeth were whiter, my freckles non-existent. But what good does that do me? Realistically, there's not much I can do about these things. But one thing i CAN change is my attitude.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hold the grainy icing, please

My husband thinks I'm a cupcake snob.
I just think that if your entire business is based on a cupcake, it better be the best cupcake I have ever eaten. It's just that simple. And I think when I enter the door it should smell like you're baking something.
A few months back I visited a new cupcakery, expcting my experience to be Sublime. I wasn't. I selected a peanutbutter cup cupcake, which consisted of a chocolate cake, peanutbutter icing and a mini peanutbutter cup. Let's say this, the best part was the mini peanutbutter cup, which was bought, not made. The cake was dry and actually had a crust around the edges. Very disappointing since it was supposedly made that day. The frosting was fragrant which gave me hope. Unfortunately, it was grainy and left a waxy feeling in my mouth.
A few weeks back, my husband and I tried a brand new cupcakery boasting Swirls of frosting. Instead, it lay flat and visibly grainy on a dense, dry vanilla cake. I might have excused that had it not been for one thing: the owner's arrogance. While we were placing our orders, a friend was engaged with conversation with the owner. I distinctly heard him say "I don't have a lot of time so I decided to do one thing I like and do it very well". That set my expectations pretty high. I expected a cake that was light and airy, fragrant with vanilla. I expected frosting that was smooth and voluminous on top of the cake. While I complained, at home, to my husband about my poor cake quality he attempted to shift the blame to me, that I shouldn't be so critical.
Now, I think when I spend $2.50 for a single cupcake it had better be worth every cent of that. When I go to Chocolate World in Hershey I pay $3 for a cupcake, and each bite reminds me why I am willing to pay that much. The cake is rich and velvety, with no signs of a dry edge. The frosting is smooth, creamy and piled high. The generous amount of candy on top just pushes it over the top. They know what they are doing. There is no need to toot their own horn, the product stands on it's own.
So, call me a cupcake snob if you must. Just remember that when you ask me where to go.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

boxers or briefs

A friend recently asked my thoughts on boxers or briefs.
Well, being female, I wear briefs, though for a short time I did wear boxers as shorts. I'd simply sew the fly closed and wear them over my briefs. I don't think they even make boxers for women.
Anyway, when it comes to men's ware I think it's personal choice, though it seems it might be determined by activity. I've heard that it's cooler, temperature-wise, to wear boxers, so then it would make sense to wear boxers when it's hot. Boxers would also make sense when you're wearing dress clothes. It creates a cleaner line on the trousers.
If you're a very active man it seems that briefs would be a better choice for you. I've been told that briefs are better for keeping things close to the body and not escaping out the leg of your shorts. That would just be uncomfortable for all those involved.
Now from an asthetic point of view, I think one should take body type into consideration. Boxers seem to flatter a broader range of shapes while briefs exaggerate one's gut a little more. I know it's "under" wear and called that for where it's worn, but let's face it, there comes a time when another person is going to see you in your underwear. We'd all like to think they really aren't paying that much attention, but how can you be sure? Don't you want to always look your best?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Strength in numbers

I am a strong person. That's what everyone tells me.
But the strength I have I wasn't born with. It's the result of circumstances I've been through. So I got to wondering if anyone is really born a "strong person". Without facing adversity how would you know the strength was there?
Anyway, why is it that when a stong person has a bad day, their friendship circles act like the world is falling apart? That's a lot of pressure! I can't be strong indefinitely. Well, I could, if I lived in a bubble, sequestered from the rest of the world. After all, it's other people who test my "strength".
But I live in the real world, surrounded by real people, which means I am forever given opportunities to grow stronger. It seems that means others expect me to just keep plugging along, always winning, always enduring, always being unaffected. If only that were the case.
The fact is I am often less pulled together in my mind than you think. And sometimes that bubbles up to the surface, where I am unable to contain it. That means I have a bad day, or two, or week.... And when I do, please leave me alone. I'm not being rude or uncaring. I just have enough to sort through without having the added pressure of keeping your world spinning, too.
My husband and I have been working on this for most of our 21 year marriage. Our backgrounds have very different communication styles. His is to blurt it all out and apologize later, if need be. Mine is to internalize and keep everything looking smooth on the surface. I have learned not to say "I'm fine" when it clearly isn't. He has learned to give me space and not ask incessant questions. Sometimes, I just need him to listen. Not ask questions. Not try to solve the problem.
So, please let me have my moments of weakness. It reinforces that I am human. I know that you care, and I won't think any less of you if you don't harass me. Besides, your barrage of "concern" can come across as selfish when it feels like the spinning of your world is dependent on balance in mine.