Saturday, April 20, 2013

Nice 'do... not

Have you ever noticed that the people with the long, stringy un-nice hair are always the ones playing with it and flipping it all the time?  It drives me crazy!

I was once sitting behind a group of teen-aged girls, swimmers with fried hair.  The rows of chairs were packed entirely too close together, which meant the hair of the girl directly in front of me practically touched my lap when she hung it over the back of the chair.  It was one of the most distracting things I've been subjected to in a long time.

Her hair was almost waist-length which is already a problem for me.  The ends were split a good six inches up the shaft.  It didn't look like it had seen conditioner EVER.  She kept running her hands through this mess, shaking it from side-to-side, as if it were spun gold.  And each time, stragglers would fall into my lap while the rest came precariously close to touching my face.

I was going over the edge!  I teetered dangerously close to reenacting the scene from the second Pee Wee Herman movie where he is compelled to run his hands through Winnie's hair.  I wanted to reach out and grab a handful of that mess as she flung it back at me.  I wanted to ask if she had never heard of conditioner or when she last had a good haircut.  But I couldn't.  Etiquette forbade it.  My husband would have been mortified!

Since when does having long hair mean that you sacrifice it's care?  Have some pride girls!  And should you dare to abuse your locks, I suggest you not flip it in my face.  Like Pee Wee, my hand might take on a mind of it's own.

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