Monday, April 8, 2013

the swap

Everywhere around me I seem to be seeing people replacing one addiction for another.  Cigarettes for drugs. Exercise for overeating. Volunteering for workaholism.  Church involvement for a guilty conscience.  How does this make any sense?

An addiction involves making something an idol in your life.  ANYthing that is made an idol is a negative thing.  Even things done for a good reason can become a negative in your life when it's distorted out of proportion. 

So, how do we restore balance in our lives without it looking like apathy, laziness or complacency?  I think we stop worrying about how it looks to those on the outside; particularly those who don't really matter.  Too often, we give our power away to people who don't deserve to have it.  Since when does every single person we've ever met have the right to make us feel insignificant and like we need to prove ourselves to them or get their approval on our lives?

It's time to stand up!  Find out who you are.  Soul searching is not a fun or easy thing, but it's the only real way to know yourself.  Unless we know who we are, intimately, we can never really know another or expect them to know us this way.  Find one or two REAL friends, people of character, grace and love who can speak truth, honestly, into your life.  Then listen. to. them.

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