Monday, February 11, 2013


I serve lunch at the mission on Mondays.  The usual conversation is basically "hi" and what food they would like.  I don't know if it's a rule or they're just unconfortable talking to women. 

A few weeks ago, one of the men came through the line.  "What happened to your hair?"  I explained that I had colored it.  "Why is it orange?  I don't like it."  Then he was gone.  My hair is actually a coppery red, but it surprised me how strongly he felt about my hair color.

Today, as I was signing out after lunch, the man working the table asked me what my "real" color was.  I told him blonde (though it's a much darker blonde now than when I was young). He went on to tell me how he used to date a lady with red hair, and the color didn't have a name but a number.  He said "what color is your hair now"?  I told him my mother calls it "rust" and he let out a huge belly laugh.  Then he said "you have doll hair.  You know, like a doll would have."  I just smiled.  What was I supposed to say to that?

Iguess it's good I don't really care about things like that.

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