Thursday, February 28, 2013

Riding the storm

Did you ever get the feeling that things are going just a little too smoothly?  After seven months of my house being up for sale, I felt like I was finally sailing along this week.  Then, clouds began to form today.

Sitting, watching clouds form and darkness swirling around is unsettling.  You know there's a storm coming, but there's no certainty of what it will be like or how long it will last.  It could be blustery and tornadic, aka fast and furious.  Or it could be like a huge front, slowly passing through, taking a lot longer to clear.  I'm not certain one is preferable over the other.  Either way, it's going to be messy.

One thing I do know is that it will eventually be clear.  The sky will be blue.  The air will be clean.  How I come out on the other side is largely dependent on what I do in it's midst.  Someone once told me "not to question in the darkness what was spoken in the light".  I think that applies to a storm.  It boils down to holding on, buckling down and facing the storm head on.  I might be in for a bumpy ride, but there will be a rainbow on the other side.

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